Remove ScreenConnect or ConnectWise Control from Mac, Window and Linux

Mac OS

The client will be installed on /opt/screenconnect-XXXXXXXXXXXX.

Remove the following directories and files to uninstall the client:

Stop ScreenConnect Client service on that device:

launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAvents/screenconnect-xxxxxxx-onlogin.plist

Delete the service definitions:

rm -v /Library/LaunchAgents/screenconnect-xxxxx-*.plist

Delete the ScreenConnect Client files

rm -rv /opt/

If you want to see the thumbprint, use the following command:

ls -la /Library/LaunchAgents/screenconnect-*


Run the following command to uninstall it client

# Debian based systems
dpkg -r screenconnect-xxxxxxx

# RPM based systems
rpm -e screenconnect-xxxxxxx


For windows you can remove it from Control Panel or from the command prompt as Administrator

wmic product where name="ScreenConnect Client (xxxxxxxxxx)" call uninstall /noninteractive